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2023 Foundation Seed Update: New Varieties from Other States

Wheat field. Photo: David Hansen. © Regents of the University of Minnesota.

By Roger Wippler, Foundation Seed Services Manager

Following is a list of new varieties being released from neighboring states. We may or may not be able to obtain seed as availability is limited. If you would like more information on any of these lines, please contact MCIA’s Foundation Seed Services at 612-625-7766.


Brawn-SD wheat, released by South Dakota, was tested as SD4843. It has yielded well in regional trials with good test weight but has low protein. Brawn-SD has been tested in Minnesota trials only one year where it yielded well, with average to slightly below average straw strength. It looks to have good BLS rating and average Fusarium head blight (FHB) scab resistance. Another year of testing will clarify these ratings.

ND Heron wheat released by North Dakota was tested as NDHRS16-14-126. It has slightly below average grain yield, good protein and test weight. ND-Heron is an early maturing variety with below average straw strength. It is best suited to central and western North Dakota. It has good Fusarium head blight (FHB) scab resistance, and slightly below average rating for BLS.


ND-Carson oats (ND141338) released by North Dakota is a spring oat with good yield, test weight, and lodging score. In North Dakota trials, yield and test weight were equal to MN-Pearl. Heading date, height, and lodging scores were also similar to MN-Pearl. ND-Carson is a white oat. This line was not tested in Minnesota.

ND-Spilde (ND131603) released by North Dakota is a spring oat with yields and test weight less than MN-Pearl. Heading date is similar to MN-Pearl but the lodging score is not as good. Release information describes ND-Spilde as having unique crown rust resistance. It is a white oat. This line was not tested in Minnesota.


Soybean Varieties with Peking-type SCN Resistance

MCIA has two soybean lines that contain the Peking source of soybean cyst nematode resistance (SCN). There are very few varieties with Peking-type resistance, most contain the PI88788 source of resistance. Both are conventional, non-GMO soybean lines, which are good yielding with average protein levels and buff hilum.

M13-250056, is a 0.8 relative maturity, Rps1c Phytophthora resistance, good IDC rating.

M13-250046, is a 1.6 relative maturity. Rps1c Phytophthora resistance, good IDC rating.

For yield data and additional information, please contact MCIA at 612-625-7766.


Note: This entry was revised November 1, 2023: Previously, ND-Carson was described as a yellow oat; it is a white oat.