Improving Your Process, Enhancing Your Products, Increasing Your Profits

Annual Meeting


Thank you to all of those who joined us for the 2025 MCIA Annual Meeting. Look for coverage of the meeting on our blog and in the spring 2025 issue of the Minnesota Seed Grower, MCIA’s quarterly newsletter.

Members and friends of MCIA are invited to attend the 2026 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association. The event is planned for next winter. Please check back here in the fall of 2025, when the meeting date and other event details will be announced.

Plan to join us!


Cover Crops—The Fundamentals and More panelists (clockwise, from upper left): Alex Udermann, Farmer; Matthew Kelley, Agassiz Seed & Supply; Courtney Cheever, Natural Resources Conservation Service; Michael Merriman, Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Members of the MCIA Board of Directors address the meeting (clockwise, from upper left): Duane Dahlman, Secretary; Brent Benike, Vice Chairman; Ryan Anderson; Grant Mehring, Treasurer.
Mitch Hunter (upper left), of the Forever Green Initiative, speaking on the topic Creating Opportunities for Farmers and Businesses. Shane Frederick (upper right), of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance speaking on the topic US Identity Preserved Program: Global Impact. MCIA members and staff listen to the presentations.
Meeting officials (clockwise from upper left): Meeting host, Fawad Shah, MCIA President/CEO; Business meeting chair, Brad Barth, Chairman of the MCIA Board of Directors; Awards Presentation Master of Ceremonies, Kris Folland, MCIA Field Services Manager.