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Dr. Shah Promotes Seed Systems on Visit to Pakistan

Dr. Fawad Shah led a seed sampling workshop, hosted at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad May 1–2, 2024.

Earlier this spring, MCIA President/CEO Dr. Fawad Shah visited Pakistan to participate in three seed industry events. First, he attended the third Pakistan Seed Congress as a featured guest. The event was held at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad in late April and attracted more than 200 participants to discuss seed systems, hybrid seed breeding, and new technologies.

The Congress was followed by a two-day Innovation in Seed Storage Technologies event, at which Dr. Shah led a seed sampling workshop. While at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Dr. Shah visited the construction site of a planned ISTA laboratory, where seed will be tested and stored, and personnel trained. He also collaborated with researchers and faculty there who are developing adaptable, high-yielding soybean varieties for poultry feed and oil for human consumption.

Next on his itinerary, Dr. Shah spoke at a seminar at the University of Sargodha. The seminar addressed the topic Revitalizing Pakistan’s Seed System: Adapting to Global Dynamics.

To read Dr. Shah’s commentary and view his photos from his travels, visit MCIA’s LinkedIn page:

2025 MCIA Annual Meeting • January 29, 2025 • St. Cloud, Minnesota
2025 MCIA Annual Meeting