We will showcase how integrating hybrid rye into organic swine production may help with reducing feed and bedding costs in organic pig production based on data collected at the WCROC over the last two years.
Join the 2024 Marbleseed Farmers of the Year for a tour of their farm! Learn from their diversified enterprises including organic vegetables, grass-fed beef, pastured pork and poultry as well as conservation practices implemented on the farm. Come at any point during the day to see these different enterprises and learn more from these amazing […]
From Basic to Better (to Best) – Wash/Pack Area Construction Good post-harvest handling is essential for food safety as well as the appearance and shelf life of your market produce. It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to get started on improving your own farm’s cleaning and packaging. Join us to take at […]
The small grain summer plot tours provide farmers and crop consultants with the tools to make small grain production successful and profitable. Learn how to manage wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and oats at these in-person, free events across the state. Farmers will get to see up to 180 varieties in the field, participate in hands-on […]
The small grain summer plot tours provide farmers and crop consultants with the tools to make small grain production successful and profitable. Learn how to manage wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and oats at these in-person, free events across the state. Farmers will get to see up to 180 varieties in the field, participate in hands-on […]
The small grain summer plot tours provide farmers and crop consultants with the tools to make small grain production successful and profitable. Learn how to manage wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and oats at these in-person, free events across the state. Farmers will get to see up to 180 varieties in the field, participate in hands-on […]