In the News
Minnesota Group Honors Leaders in Seed Industry [The Farmer] - 02/11/2025
MCIA Presents Perham Resident with Seed Grower Award [Perham Focus] - 02/10/2025
MCIA Presents Award to Ehrhardt Brothers of Albert Lea Seed [Albert Lea Tribune] - 02/07/2025
How Did Cannabis Become Legalized? [The Farmer] - 06/26/2024
Cannabis in Minnesota Slow to Germinate [The Farmer] - 06/25/2024
Seeds of Change: Roger Wippler retires after 34 years with the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association [The Farmer] - 01/30/2024
The Flyover: Justice for Mustard! [Racket] - 12/14/2023
Put a little mustard on it: Minnesota crop artists may have reason to give thanks [Minneapolis StarTribune] - 11/24/2023
AOSCA Celebrates MCIA’s Roger Wippler with Honorary Lifetime Membership [Seed World] - 11/20/2023
MCIA Wins AOSCA’s First Annual Excellence in Innovation Award [Seed World] - 10/16/2023
Larry Rivard Recognized for Work in the Turf and Forage Industry [AgWeek] - 07/13/2023
Northwest School of Agriculture Hosts 2023 Reunion at UMN Crookston [UMN Crookston News] - 07/04/2023
Kjolhaug Grows with Seed Industry [The Farmer] - 02/03/2023
Time of Change at University of Minnesota’s CFANS [Minnesota Farm Guide] - 01/27/2023
Willmar, Benson Men Among the MCIA Award Winners Honored Earlier This Month [West Central Tribune] - 01/27/2023
MCIA Awards Presented to Seed Growers [Red River Farm Network] - 01/13/2023
Grafstrom and Thiede Named Honorary Premier Seed Growers [Red River Farm Network] - 01/13/2023
Veteran Seedsman Honored for Decades of Service [The Land] - 11/22/2022
University of Minnesota Releases New Barley, Wheat [The Farmer] - 10/05/2022
Rye’s Resurgence as a Cover Crop [Agweek] - 08/22/2022
New Wheat Variety Honors Small Minnesota Town [Minneapolis StarTribune] - 06/28/2022
‘MN-Rothsay’ Wheat [Daily Journal] - 06/21/2022
Cultivated Wild Rice Production in Minnesota: Small Yet Mighty [The Farmer] - 03/08/2022
Real Numbers: Corn/Soybean Input Costs Higher in 2022 [Minnesota Farm Guide] - 02/06/2022
Minnesota Crop Improvement Association Presents Awards [Farm Forum] - 01/26/2022
MCIA Presents Achievement in Crop Improvement Award to Wayne Capistran [Crookston Times] - 01/21/2022
Stangler, of Kilkenny, Wins Premier Seed Grower Award [Faribault Daily News] - 01/21/2022
MCIA Recognizes Seed Growers, Supporters [The Farmer] - 01/20/2022
Crookston Resident Wayne Capistran Recognized with Highest Honor from the MCIA [KROX] - 01/19/2022
MCIA Awards Presented at Virtual Annual Meeting [Red River Farm Network] - 01/17/2022
Good Sampling Leads to Good Seed Testing Results [The Farmer] - 11/22/2021
Duluth Expert: Use Trusted, Local Seed Sources [Duluth News Tribune] - 04/30/2021
Seed Money: Growing Northern Minnesota’s Grass Seed Industry [CFANS News] - 02/19/2021
Minnesota Crop Group Presents Awards [Farm Forum] - 02/02/2021
Minnesota Crop Improvement Seed Lab Receives USDA Accreditation [The Farmer] - 01/29/2021
McIntosh Farmer and UMC Graduate Among MCIA Award Winners [KROX] - 01/26/2021
MCIA Recognizes Don Wyse with Crop Improvement Award [The Farmer] - 01/22/2021
New ‘MN-Torgy’ Wheat Variety Offers Good Straw Strength [The Farmer] - 09/28/2020
Godwards are 2020 Farm Family of the Year [Aitkin Age] - 09/09/2020
New Minnesota Wheat Variety Has Familiar Name [West Central Tribune] - 08/24/2020
U of MN Releases ‘MN-Torgy’ Wheat [Business Wire] - 08/11/2020
At Albert Lea Seeds, the Future Is Already Here! [The Land] - 08/06/2020
Harlan Haugrud, 1931-2020 [Fergus Falls Daily Journal] - 06/29/2020
Plainview Man Wins Premier Seedsman Award [Post Bulletin] - 01/20/2020
MCIA Honors Dahlco Seeds [The Farmer] - 01/15/2020
Tattersall Distilling Launches USDA Certified Organic Vodka [BevNet] - 01/10/2020
Cover Crops, Profitability Two Big Concerns for MCIA [Fergus Falls Daily Journal] - 01/08/2020
Tattersall Distilling Unveils Organic Vodka Plans [The Spirits Business] - 01/07/2020
Bringing the Prairie to Life —JSO Farms [Faribault County Register] - 12/13/2019
Perennial Ryegrass Acres Expand in Northern Minnesota [The Farmer] - 12/04/2019
Organic Farmers Fairing Slightly Better During Trade Wars [RFD TV] - 10/01/2019
New Oat Variety MN-Pearl Available for 2020 [The Farmer] - 07/15/2019
University of Minnesota Releases ‘MN-Washburn’ Wheat [Wisconsin State Farmer] - 06/27/2019
University of Minnesota Releases ‘MN-Pearl’ [Business Wire] - 06/19/2019
Minnesota Crop Improvement Association Presents Awards [Farm Forum] - 01/31/2019
Falk Receives Achievement in Crop Improvement Award [West Central Tribune] - 01/19/2019
Jim Falk Receives Achievement in Crop Improvement Award [FarmProgress] - 01/14/2019
This Minnesota Company Wants to Be the Cargill of Organic Food [StarTribune] - 10/13/2018
Continuing a Farming Legacy: Haugruds Carry on as Premier Seedsmen [Fergus Falls Daily Journal] - 02/21/2018
Chisholm Receives Achievement in Crop Improvement Award [Fergus Falls Daily Journal] - 01/27/2018
MCIA Honors Seed Industry Contributions During 115th Annual Meeting [FarmProgress] - 01/16/2018
Giving a Family Business a Jolt With Coffee That Empowers Women [New York Times] - 12/20/2017
Learning Curve Continues with Production of Certified Hemp Seed in Minnesota [Farm Progress] - 10/03/2017
Father, son turn toward brighter days as they harvest crops outside Moorhead [Bemidji Pioneer] - 08/28/2017
Rothsay, Minn., Seed Farmers Upbeat [Agweek] - 08/14/2017
U-M Releases New Wheat, Lang-MN [FarmProgress] - 07/12/2017
Achievement in Crop Improvement Award: Jim Kukowski Recognized [Morning AgClips] - 04/02/2017
Pilot Hemp Program Takes Off in Minnesota [Farm Progress] - 02/16/2017
MCIA Focuses on Certified, Improved Seed Quality [The Land] - 02/10/2017
Cokato Man Honored with Seedsman Award [Enterprise Dispatch] - 01/26/2017
Kukowski Receives MCIA’s Highest Award [The Farmer] - 01/16/2017
Minnesota Crop Improvement Association Recognizes High Achievers [Seed World] - 01/12/2017
Technology, Innovation Drive Success in Organic Fields [Farm Bureau News] - 01/04/2017
Unheralded Contributions [Seed World] - 12/12/2016
MCIA Lab Reopens for Seed Testing [FarmProgress] - 12/02/2016
A Chat with Fawad S. Shah, Ph.D President/CEO, Minnesota Crop Improvement Association [Pipestone County Star] - 08/01/2016
Minnesota Crop Improvement Honors Seedsmen, Achievement [FarmProgress] - 01/24/2016
Minnesota Crop Improvement Association Appoints New President [Seed World] - 05/22/2015
Q&A with Gabe Smoley, Summit Brewing Co. Brewer [Pioneer Press] - 03/19/2013
‘Forever Green Ag Initiative’ Would Diversify Minnesota’s Crop Landscape [Farm Progress] - 02/11/2013