Chairman’s View

Photo by Alain Audet from Pixabay.

By Brad Barth, Board Chairman

Harvest 2023 is over for me but there are still a few acres of corn and soybeans left to harvest here in northern Minnesota. There was a snow in October that hung around for quite some time. After about three weeks the snow finally melted off the corn and bean fields. The local farmers got busy again and should finish up everything before December is upon us.

Thanksgiving came and went this year and I found myself being thankful for family, friends, nice weather, and a great crop. A farmer cannot ask for much more than that.

Seed cleaning is underway in Minnesota, and I encourage you to take advantage of the excellent service you can obtain from our lab at MCIA. Chase and the crew work hard to process your samples and get your results back to you as fast as possible.

MCIA will hold its Annual Meeting on January 24, 2024, in St Cloud. This will be a single-day event and will include everything we have done in the past, just in a shortened version. I am excited to hear the panel discussion on the future of the seed industry, the involvement of our youth, and how we are going to attract and keep them in our industry. There will be vendors to visit with, and the MCIA staff will be there also. Please plan to attend as I am sure you will not be disappointed.

I could not write this without talking a little about Roger Wippler. Roger retired this fall and has left some big shoes to fill. Roger was the face of the foundation seed department for many years and his name will be forever synonymous with that department. A few years back, my daughter and her husband went to the State Fair, I told them to stop by the MCIA building and check it out. She told me later that she met the nicest man there and had an excellent time visiting with him. Roger made that impression on everyone he met. MCIA board meetings will be a little different now as we will not have that familiar voice and wisdom at the board table. Congratulations to you, Roger, and I hope retirement treats you well!

Roger may be gone but he has left MCIA with a very well trained and super talented replacement in Carl Anfinson. Carl has trained with Roger for quite some time now and will surely be a huge asset for MCIA. Welcome aboard Carl!

In closing, I sincerely hope that all of you had a great year and can take some time during these holidays to enjoy your family and friends.