Minnesota Crop Improvement Association is seeking candidates for 5 positions on its 11-member Board of Directors. (For your reference, please see the accompanying MCIA Board Districts map.)
The following seats are open: Directors for Districts 1, 2, and 3, and directors for two Related Industry positions. The District 1 seat is currently held by Brent Benike, who is eligible for re-election. The District 2 seat is held by Darius Thiel, who is not eligible for re-election. In District 3, Jason Larsen is unable to complete his three-year term. The person elected will complete the final two years of this term. One Related Industry seat is currently held by Matt Bohn, who is not eligible for re-election. The other Related Industry seat is held by Grant Mehring, who is eligible for re-election.
These positions are Category A Directors, who are elected by and from the members of MCIA at its Annual Meeting to serve three-year terms. The Board of Directors is the Association’s policy-making body. It is required to hold at least two regular meetings per calendar year in addition to the Annual Meeting. MCIA’s 2023 Annual Meeting will be held January 12, 2023.
If you are interested in serving on the MCIA Board of Directors or you would like to nominate someone to serve, please contact MCIA President/CEO Fawad Shah at 1-800-510-6242 or by e-mail at fawad.shah@mncia.org.