Soil Management Summit

The Soil Management Summit emphasizes proven farmer experience and applied science. Learn how heavier, colder soils aren’t necessarily the challenge they’re made out to be. Hear from long-time no-till, reduced tillage, and cover crop farmers as they share their experiences and hard-learned lessons.

The Summit features presentations and Q&A with researchers, farmers and agricultural advisors, information from sponsors, and conversations with farmers experienced in different soil health practices. We will offer CCA continuing education units (CEUs) to those who attend the entire conference.

Soil Health and Urban Farm Conservation Practices

Soil Health and Urban Farm Conservation Practices with NRCS

Join the Twin Cities Metro Growers Network at California Street Farm for a tour and discussion on Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) opportunities for urban and peri-urban growers!

This event is free to attend. Registration requested, walkups welcome.

4pm: Arrival & networking time
4:30pm Elyssa speaks about her farm, practices, high tunnels, soil management/soil health practices, and future interests. Watering source (hydrant) and methods (drip and overhead). Markets and selling information.
~5:15pm: John will speak on NRCS funding program opportunities, EQIP program for high tunnels and other programs that Elyssa would be eligible for based on her onsite practices.
5:30pm: Lia Spaniolo discusses nutrient management in high tunnels, 100 farms soil study, and impacts on soil & environmental health.

The Twin Cities Metro Growers Network is a collaboration between University of Minnesota Extension and Sustainable Farming Association.

Funds Available to Improve Soil Health

Applications for soil health equipment grants due September 15

Applications are now open for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Soil Health Financial Assistance Grants.

These grants are available to individual producers, producer groups, and local governments to purchase or retrofit soil health equipment. Grant awards will provide up to 50 percent cost-share, with a minimum award of $500 and a maximum award of $50,000. The 2023 Legislature appropriated $2.375 million for this round of grants.

“Good soil health is important to water quality and our other natural resources in Minnesota,” said MDA Commissioner Thom Petersen. “It’s important to recognize the financial hurdles farmers face when trying to implement soil health practices because of specialized, expensive equipment and machinery. The Soil Health Financial Assistance Grants will help offset equipment costs, helping to expand the number of Minnesota farmers and acres engaged in soil health activities.”

Examples of eligible new or used equipment include, but are not limited to, no-till drills, air seeders, retrofit projects to allow no-till planting, and more. Parts and materials used to retrofit existing equipment are also eligible.

The Request for Proposals and application link can be found at Applications are due September 15, 2023. Awards will be announced by January 1, 2024.

This is the first full round of Soil Health Financial Assistance Grants. A pilot program earlier this year awarded $475,000 to 16 individuals and organizations across 15 counties. No-till drills and air seeders were among the most requested pieces of equipment. The pilot program received more than 230 applications for more than $6.5 million—over 13 times the funding available.

LSP Soil Health Field Day

LSP Building Biodiverse Compost for Soil Health Field Day

Dale and Carmene Pangrac and Kim and Andy Olson will host a compost field day on their organic, grass-based dairy on Friday, August 26th. The Pangracs are working to rebuild the microbial populations in their pasture and row crop soils by using several composting methods and compost extracts and applying them at scale on their fields.

LSP Regenerative Farming and Grazing Field Day

See, discuss, and go indepth on soil health and grazing with highly experienced regenerative producer, Allen Williams, from Soil Health Academy. Allen will be hosted on local Minnesota farms with 5+ years experience putting soil health principles into practice to grow healthier soil, food, and profits. No matter what you grow, these field days cover practical ways for all to improve their soil.

LSP Regenerative Farming and Grazing Field Day

See, discuss, and go indepth on soil health and grazing with highly experienced regenerative producer, Allen Williams, from Soil Health Academy. Allen will be hosted on local Minnesota farms with 5+ years experience putting soil health principles into practice to grow healthier soil, food, and profits. No matter what you grow, these field days cover practical ways for all to improve their soil.

Field Day with Archuleta and Beachys

Ray Archuleta is a certified professional soil scientist with the Soil Science Society of America and has over 30 years experience as a soil conservationist, water quality specialist, and conservation agronomist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

After his retirement from the NRCS in 2017, Archuleta founded Understanding Ag LLC, and Soil Health Academy LLC, to teach biomimicry strategies and agroecology principles for improving soil function on a national scale. Ray also owns and operates a 150-acre farm near Seymour, Mo., that he operates along with his wife and family.

Mervin and Cherlyn Beachy farm a few miles west of St. Ansgar, Iowa. Healthy soil is a fixture of everything the Beachys do on the farm. Mervin first became interested in soil health when looking into the nutrient density of the food he was raising, and the connection between soil, food, and human health. Currently, they use sustainable and soil-building practices while raising grass-fed beef, all-natural pork, and pastured chicken.

Equipment Demo, Soil Health and Resiliency

Join Martin Larsen at his farm to learn about his equipment: Larsen will be showing his interseeder, no-till drill, and corn planter. Larsen will also discuss how to continue to prioritize soil health even in years with extreme weather conditions and how soil health has made his farm more resilient to these conditions.