Registration is now open for the 2024 Minnesota Organic Conference, Minnesota’s only statewide conference on organic agriculture.
Hosted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA), the two-day conference will take place January 11 and 12, 2024, at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud.
The event will feature keynote speakers and more than 30 breakout sessions providing educational opportunities in areas like organic crop production, dairy, livestock, fruits and vegetables, marketing, and business. Attendees will also have access to an 80-booth trade show featuring information about relevant products and services.
The keynote speakers for this year’s conference are Dr. Daphne Miller, a practicing family physician, science writer, professor, and research scientist focused on transforming our food system from the soil up, and Carolyn Olson, an experienced organic farmer and agricultural advocate from Cottonwood, Minnesota.
Early-bird pricing is currently available for those who register before December 1, after which prices will increase. Two-day, one-day, and student registration options are available. Full pricing details can be found on the conference registration web page.
For more information, visit the MDA’s Minnesota Organic Conference website: