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Oats on the Upswing in the Upper Midwest

MN-Pearl Oats. Photo by Dylan VanBoxtel. © Regents of the University of Minnesota.

Agweek recently published an interesting article about increased food-grade oats production in Minnesota. The article focuses on a new farmer group in southeast Minnesota that is pooling member resources to better market their crops. Last year their aggregate acres were 1,000. They are looking to double that number this year and recruit new members to the group.

The article notes the presence of several major oats processors with facilities in the Midwest, including MCIA member Grain Millers. It has a milling plant in St. Ansgar, Iowa, that buys the majority of its oats from Canada but is looking to source more of its oats locally.

Read more here: Southern Minnesota oats marketing group sprouts amid search for third crop.