The MCIA Board of Directors intends to propose an amendment to the Association’s bylaws at the MCIA Annual Meeting on January 29, 2025.
The proposal would change the wording of the following passage of Article XII—Miscellaneous, 12.8 Financial Accounts:
The Board of Directors shall examine the accounts of the Association at their meetings as set forth herein, and shall, in addition, have the books audited at least once a year by a disinterested competent accountant, or by a committee of three members of the Association who are not members of the Board of Directors.
The amended version would read:
The Board of Directors shall examine the accounts of the Association at their meetings as set forth herein, and shall, in addition, conduct a financial review every year and a financial audit at least once every three years by a disinterested competent accountant, or by a committee of three members of the Association who are not members of the Board of Directors.
(Changes, above, highlighted in red.)
The proposed amendment will be considered at the meeting. Adoption of the proposed amendment requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and entitled to vote at the meeting.
You may view this proposed amendment in the context of MCIA’s complete Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, here: https://docs.mncia.org/public/annual_meeting/Proposed-Bylaws-Amendment-250129.pdf.